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Generally, the phones included on this list contain copyleft software other than the Linux kernel, and minimal closed-source component drivers (see section above). Android-based devices do not appear on this list because of the heavy use of proprietary components, particularly drivers and applications. Ubuntu Touch is a mobile version of the Ubuntu operating system for mobile devices. However, unlike other 'flavors' of Ubuntu, it is more accurately an extract of parts of Ubuntu. It is adapted to run naturally in a mobile, touch-screen environment but is also capable of functioning as a desktop computer while in 'desktop mode'. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding. The developers are also working on their plans to create a Linux-based phone operating system that’ll be able to replace Android and iOS. Mobile, postmarketOS is another Linux phone project. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality.

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Welcome to the Android community!

The key to any community is communication. Like many projects, Androidcommunicates through mailing lists. Because Android is an extremely largeproject with many components, we have many discussion forums, each focusing ona different topic. View the available groupsand join any that seem interesting to you. You can also discuss Android onIRC.

If you're a user looking for help with the Android UI or an Android device,details on Android updates or security issues, or how to build apps forAndroid, see the list of resources below.


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This site covers creating custom Android stacks, porting devices andaccessories, and meeting compatibility requirements. The Android OS is a Gitrepository of files and not a single file (.zip, .tar, .exe,etc.) to download. Youcan get started with the Android source code by following the instructions inDownloading the Source.For other information about Android, refer to the following resources.

Using Android

Help centers
Pixel phones
Nexus phones/tablets
Wear OS by Google
AOSP communities
Developer communities
Send feedback
Report AOSP bug

Updates and security

Android releases
Android history
Current release
Device images
Nexus/Pixel devices
Other devices
Security assistance
Google Safety Center
Tips for users
Tipsfor developers
Platform security
Security announcements
Release enhancements

Getting involved

Developer resources
Developer support
Google Developer Groups(GDGs)
Google Mobile Services (GMS)
Android Developers Youtube channel
Android Partner Academy Youtube channel
Android official blog
Android developers blog
Google security blog

Open Source Project discussions

  • android-platform:This list is for general discussion about the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) orthe platform technologies.

    • Subscribe using Google Groups:android-platform
    • Subscribe by email:android-platform
  • android-building:This list is for discussion and help on building the Android sourcecode, and on the build system. If you've just checked out the source code andhave questions about how to turn it into binaries, start here.

    • Subscribe using Google Groups:android-building
    • Subscribe by email:android-building
  • android-porting:This list is for developers who want to port Android to a new device. Ifyou're wondering how to combine the Android source code with your hardware,this is the right group for you. Here you can discuss the specifics of porting Androidto individual devices, from obtaining toolchains and merging kernel driversall the way to configuring or modifying apps for your specificconfiguration.

    • Subscribe using Google Groups:android-porting
    • Subscribe by email:android-porting
  • android-contrib:This list is for developers who want to contribute code to Android. This is aworking list, and isn't appropriate for general discussion. Forgeneral discussion, go to android-platform. If you want to contribute to the Linux kernel used byAndroid devices, go to android-kernel.

    • Subscribe using Google Groups:android-contrib
    • Subscribe by email:android-contrib
  • android-kernel:This list is for developers who want to contribute to the Linux kernel used byAndroid devices. If you've downloaded the kernel code, know how to compile it,and want to write kernel code to support Android, this is your group. Thisgroup is not for user-space topics (see android-platform). If you want to contribute codeto Android, see android-contrib.

    • Subscribe using Google Groups:android-kernel
    • Subscribe by email:android-kernel
  • android-ota:This list is for developers working on the Android OTA system (the recoveryimage and the scripts that generate OTAs).

    • Subscribe using Google Groups:android-ota
    • Subscribe by email:android-ota
  • android-compatibility:If you have technical questions about Android compatibility that aren't coveredin this site, you can seek help from your peers on this list.

    • Subscribe using Google Groups:android-compatibility
    • Subscribe by email:android-compatibility


These discussion groups are intended for developers working with the Androidplatform. Everyone is welcome to join in, as long as you follow the communitypolicies described below. Our users help each other, and many experts post tothese groups, including members of the Open Handset Alliance.

No topic is off limits, as long as it relates to Android in some way. However,these are very busy lists, so search the archives before posting yourquestion; you may find that your question has already been answered.

Linux Developer Community Mobile Phones Price

Getting the most from our lists

Linux Developer Community Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download For Windows

Consider the following before you post to our lists.

  • Read the Mailing list rules. Thisexplains the rules and guidelines for our community.

  • Search the group archives to see whether your question has alreadybeen discussed. This avoids time-wasting, redundant discussions.

  • Use a clear, relevant message subject. This helps everyone, boththose trying to answer your question and those looking for information.

  • Give plenty of details in your post. Code or log snippets,pointers to screenshots, and similar details get better results and makefor better discussions. For a great guide to phrasing your questions, readHow to AskQuestions the Smart Way.

Mailing list rules

We love simplicity and hate restrictions, so we keep our policies minimal.The rules below describe what's expected of subscribers to the Android mailinglists.

  • Be friendly: Showing courtesy and respect to others is avital part of the Android culture, and we expect everyone participating in theAndroid community to join us in accepting nothing less. Being courteous doesn'tmean that we can't constructively disagree with each other, but it does meanthat we must be polite when we do so. There's never a reason to beantagonistic or dismissive toward anyone; if you think there is, think againbefore you post. Mobile development is serious business, but it's also a lotof fun. Let's keep it that way. Let's strive to be one of the friendliestcommunities in all of open source.
  • Allowed discussion topics: Most of our groups are for technicaldiscussions of Android or users helping each other. Generally we don't puthard restrictions on the topics discussed in the group. As long as the topicis relevant to Android in some way, it's welcome on our groups. We welcomeannouncements and discussion of products, libraries, publications, and otherinteresting Android-related news, but don't cross-post. Post only tothe most relevant group for your message. We even welcome (polite!) discussionof articles and ideas critical of Android—after all, we can't improve ifwe don't listen.
  • Working Lists: Some of our groups are considered working lists,by which we mean that the list is intended to be used in support of thecompletion of specific tasks. On these groups, we don't welcome off-topicconversations, and usually ask you to take general discussions to adifferent list. Because these are lists where people are trying to get workdone, we're pretty aggressive about keeping the noise level low. We askthat you respect our contributors' time and keep general discussions toappropriate lists.
  • Spam: We hate spam almost as passionately as we love courtesy andrespect, so we reserve the right to limit discussions that amount to spam.Outright spam results in the spammer being immediately and permanentlybanned from the list.

The most important rule is friendliness. Remember: disrespect and rudenessaren't welcome in our community under any circumstances. We don't have aformal policy on dealing with troublemakers, and we hope that we never need one.That said, we pledge to do our best to be fair, and we always try towarn someone before banning them.

Contacting the moderators

If you see anyone being rude, call them out on it. This is your group, too,and you don't have to accept someone else being disrespectful just because itwasn't directed at you. Just remember to be polite and courteous yourself!Don't add fuel to the fire.

If you see an outrageous violation, want to report spam, feel stronglyabout something, or just want to chat, then contact the mailing list owners.It's what we're here for!

Using email with Google Groups

Instead of using the Google groupssite, you can use your preferred email client to participate in the mailinglists. To subscribe to a group without using the Google Groups site, use the linkunder 'subscribe by email' in the lists above.

To set up how you receive mailing list postings by email:

  1. Sign in to the group through the Google Groups site. For example, for theandroid-platform group use!forum/android-platform.
  2. Click My settings on the upper-right.
  3. Click Membership and email settings and set the email options.

Android on IRC

Android has a presence on IRC throughfreenode. We maintain two official IRCchannels on (access throughthe web at freenode webchat).

  • #android - dedicated togeneral Android discussion and porting concerns

  • #android-dev - dedicated todiscussion about writing Android apps

The community also uses several unofficial channels that aren't officially moderatedor managed. The Open Handset Alliance doesn't endorse unofficial channels and there's no warrantyexpress or implied, so use them at your own risk. Here's a list of a few unofficial channels(many more may exist):

  • #android-firehose -displays the commits to the AOSP in real time

  • #android-fr - pour discuterd'Android en français

  • #android-offtopic -for, well, off-topic discussions

  • #android-root - fordiscussion related to off-label uses of hardware

For licensing Google Mobile Services

Send inquiries about licensing Google Mobile Services through the GMS contact form. Other non-GMSpartnership inquiries can be sent to

Community mobile diagnostics

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While we read every message received, we can't respond to each of them. Wepromise to contact you if we can help!